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The sound of the SEASON!!!

Is the sound of sizzling...


New Product Announcement

Breakfast just became a little more beefy.

Happy to introduce the newest beef product from Null Ridge Premium Beef!

Featured In:

"This Lady Knows Her Beef!"

Happy to serve the Texas Panhandle community and beyond.

Null Ridge Premium Beef is the best placed for beef in the Texas Panhandle. This lady knows her beef and ensures the best steaks for your dinner table - highly recommend!

ABSOLUTELY the finest beef hands down! Buy a steak package and taste the difference. Just think of the best steak you have EVER had, at the most high end restaurant you have ever been too. This will beat it five times over!!

Null Ridge Premium Beef is some of the best beef you can get your hands on. I've had the opportunity to not only eat this beef but also process the product and I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed with the products Null Ridge offers. 

Like a fine wine, I save Null Ridge Premium Beef steaks for special occasions. Can't make this beef out of soybeans... only God could have provided this one and you nurtured it and blended it until it came to this degree of perfection. It ranks with the BEST steak ever!

Null Ridge Premium Beef is in a class of its own! The genetic investment Kristen makes the difference in the quality of her beef! I first purchased tenderloins for a dinner party and they cut like butter. Now I'm spoiled by the quality of her beef from ground beef to ribeye steaks... RRPB is the golden standard!

One Ranch - One Ingredient - One Woman's Dream

"I'm the 5th generation of beef producers on the Baldridge side of my family. The ranching operation is Cow/Calf Pairs and producing Homegrown Seedstock on the same ranch that has been in my family since 1935." 

- Kristen Null, Owner